Sep 17, 2011

Long Awaited New Blogs

The blog listing have been cleared up at long last. Some blogs that haven't been updated in two years are gone, as are blogs that have gone protected or have simply disappeared. There are a few new blogs being added that are listed below. I hope you find some new content that you like and, as always, pass along any new blogs you find!

No Miracles Here
Travelling Social Workers
Deck of Many Things
The Zen Social Worker

Enjoy! And any comments on the blogs are welcome!



Lyn. said...

I love your commitment to raising the field's voice! Here's another for the SOWK directory - Social Work Confessions at

Social Work Helps said...

here's another blog:

Tim. said...

Thanks for featuring my blog, it's much appreciated. Also, I can attest to the awesomeness of "Social Work Helps".


payme2712 said...

This is great! please check out my blog
I think the more we write and share, the more interest we generate. It's valuable to hear what others are doing and their view on the content.

Justin said...

Hi, I just started a new blog:

"The Year of Practicing Privately":

About starting a private practice as a social worker

Tobi Pace, MA, LSW said...

I just started a new blog about my experiences as a social worker at I would love some help getting the word out about it. Thank you!

Cheap Social Worker said...

Thank you for adding my blog!

Margaret said...

My blog on intergrating technology into social work practice is at
Chicago Public Schools social worker and avid technology user.

Burnt Out Social Worker said...

Here's my blog:

Let's just say it's not one of your traditional social work blogs...

Burnt Out Social Worker said...

here's another blog:

Let's just say it's not your traditional social work blog.

Unknown said...

What a great site!

Social Work Helps said...

check out It's less of a blog, and more of a growing social network for social workers. It has potential to be a fabulous resource!

Margaret said...

Subscribe to my blog
to learn how to integrate tech. into school social work. I am from Illinois working at Chicago Public Schools. I will be posting monthly a couple of articles that will discuss tools to use in school settings (mostly) or with students. I'll supply the vision, you make it happen.

Michael D. Mitschele said...

Thank you for providing such great info about site. thank you

Lukman Nulhakiem said...

My blog is about safety slogans for the workplace,which are very important for workers safety.

Anonymous said...

I would also like to submit my site and My Blog: Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.) for the directory.

Kris Johnson said...

Hello all--please add my blog to your list and check out my soon to be released novel, "Unprotected" in which the hero is one of us, a child protection social worker!

thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would like to recommend my blog Notes from an Aspiring Humanitarian (N.A.H.) at my website,

Here's a link with the description:

The main blog Page can be found at