Sep 12, 2010

New Additions

One day I plan on wading through all these blogs and seeing which still fit and which need to be tossed. Having spun through a few of them, I see that many have turned into personal blogs. While a certain amount of personal information is important in a social work blog, I think having it purely personal takes away from the purpose of the site. Well, that's in the future anyways. As for now, I have a few new blogs to add that I've just been perusing. There's some good stuff here. :)

The Social Cynic

Social Worker in the South

The Nudge Patrol

Social Work Career Transition

Virtual Connections

If you know of other bloggers that I have missed, please leave a comment with a link, or email me. As well, you can help promote Social Work Blogs by liking us on Facebook, or using any of the other social networking sites to promote us. As well, you can make a monetary contribution to help us grow by using the Paypal link on the bottom of the page.

Thanks for your support!



njsmyth said...

Thanks for listing my blog, Virtual Connections! You're a great resource, I'm going to link to you on my blog.

LeighSW said...

My blog started out as a personal/professional blend 4 years ago. When I realized 2 years ago that all manner of social workers and healthcare workers were reading along, I switched to purely professional. Maybe some of the bloggers need a gentle nudge about who is reading!

LilyWren said...

What a great collection of blogs and resources! A fantastic idea and I look forward to reading these blogs!

Victoria Marano said...

I began blogging about a month ago and would love to be added to your list! What a great resource and thanks for putting this together.

Simply Social Work said...

Please can you add my blog to your list of blogs. I would be very grateful.

Sarah said...

We would love to be added to your list. Our blog is "Realizations" and it gives workplace tips like info on Motivational Interviewing techniques. We offer services like clinical supervision that is of interest to social workers. The blog is at