Aug 17, 2010

Three More Social Work Blogs

I wonder how many posts are called that here? At least a few of them. :p Anyways, the title of the post says it all. I'm always thankful for the emails and comments suggesting new blogs, as well as showing appreciation. I've put a bit of work into this blog, and while it's not as much as I'd like to be able to do, it definitely serves its purpose! So again, thanks. :)

Anyways, here's the blogs.


Social Work Tech Blog

Wannabe Forensic Social Worker

I'm adding this last one even though there haven't been updates since July. There are only a few posts, but the writing is decent, and if enough of us go there to harass the blogger, maybe they'll start up again! I always love the prison social worker perspective...


1 Comment:

psychotherapistinthesouth said...

Another new blogger says hello!