Jan 11, 2010

New Blogs for a New Year

I really wish I had more time to hunt down and post more blogs, but whenever I sit down to do so, things that need my attention always seem to come up. I have about a dozen blogs waiting in the queue that I'm hoping to get up soon. I also have to take the time to update the alphabetical list, as it is missing a whole wack of blogs at this point. My apologies for that. And now, onto the new (to this site) blogs:


ps, please help us spread the word about this site. Link to us, donate to us, talk about us, write about us, make silly art projects about us, or whatever else! It's very appreciated if you do! :)



Anonymous said...

Here's a social worker's blog that focuses on working with trauma, abuse, and dissociative disorders:

Thoughts from a Trauma Therapist....

by Kathy Broady LSCW


Unknown said...

Hi - what a great service! I would value adding my Creative Wellness blog to the mix. I am a registered social worker as well as a life coach. My blog focuses on self-care, stress management, writing for health, balanced living and holistic well-being needs for social workers and other helping professsionals. The Creative Wellness blog exists to offer information, inspiration, connection and support for social workers who strive to live well, work well and make a difference.

Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC

"Zen Queen" said...

How do you know if there has been a new posting from a particular blog that you have listed? For example - I posted a new post and its not listed in your 'updated' blogs on the left hand side of site. is there something I need to do after I post to let you know there is a new posting?

swblogs said...

It shows up automatically. I can see your latest post on the board. They're sorted by date of publication, so the most recent ones are at the top. Yours is a bit down, as it was over a week ago. :)

Gord said...

HI there, I'd really like to ad my blog to your site. The blog is titled "Functional Assessment" and it looks at social work issues from a Humanist perspective. The URL is;

